What is a Birth Plan & Why do you Need it? - Joovy Magazine

What is a Birth Plan and Why do you Need it?

Research shows that a woman is more likely to have a positive birth experience when she feels in control.

I’m not talking about selecting an option from A, B, or C because what needs to be clearly communicated much better is this …

There is no one size fits for birth!

Birth Plan & Why do you Need It - Joovy Magazine

So then, how do you take control of an experience that you are unfamiliar with? This is such a great question, and my goal is to help all women find their voice and confidence in speaking up about how they want and what they want their birth experience to look like.

Maybe you have always dreamed of having an unmedicated birth … perhaps you are planning to get the epidural, or … maybe you are on the fence and not really sure at all because there is a lack of knowledge on both ends.

Regardless of the plan, it’s crucial to know all your options and make the best choice—the one that is perfect and feels right for yourself and your baby.

No matter what path your birth takes or the unplanned detours along the way, creating a birth plan and having a sense of power and control over your options, along with understanding them all in great detail, sets you up for success.  And a much more beautiful and holistic experience!

Having supported hundreds of women either directly with Birth Doula support or through education, I have noticed the lack of general physiological knowledge of what their bodies go through during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum.

A birth plan is not about the actual document itself…

The magic exists in the research, knowledge, and security in knowing all your options and understanding them completely.


Birth Plan & Why do you Need It -Joovy Magazine

What is a Birth Plan?


Your birth plan is essentially a blueprint of the choices you have made for your birth.

It’s also an incredible and necessary tool for your provider and birth team to support you in the best possible way during the birth.

So how do you create one?


Let’s get started …

Download and Customize Your Birth Plan



First and foremost, you are never too early in your pregnancy to create one!  I recommend creating your birth plan as early on in your pregnancy as possible.  This then serves as a communication tool between yourself and your provider and helps you choose the best provider for you who respects you and your birth wishes.

When sharing your birth plan with your provider, be sure to ask open-ended questions and not simple questions to where a yes or no is enough. Read their body language and trust your instincts!  Your intuition is powerful too, and along with your birth plan, it will help ensure that you are working with the perfect provider.  Remember … it is your right to accept or refuse any routine procedures.


Break it Down!


When writing your birth plan, I strongly recommend breaking it into four categories:

  • Preferences During Labor
  • Preferences for Delivery,
  • Preferences for Baby
  • Preferences for Postpartum Care


Keep it Simple and Short


NO ONE will read or take you seriously with a lengthy birth plan. This is sadly the truth. Keep your birth plan to one page (front and back is fine) and include only the most important items for you and your baby.

At the top of your birth plan, make sure to list the vital info:

  • Complete name,
  • Your Partner’s Name
  • Baby/babies name (s) -if chosen
  • Doctor or midwife,
  • Due date
  • Your doula’s name – if you have hired one – I hope you did 😊

Also, at the top of your birth plan, add a couple of sentences with any personal concerns, past trauma, or just a simple thank you in advance for “helping us obtain our wish for a joyous, memorable, and most satisfying birth!


More Tips


As you go through the fillable birth plan and choose the best for you, you may have questions along the way. This is fabulous and one of the best reasons for creating a plan! You will know all your options, not just the ones you selected, in case your birth takes a detour.

You can explore and educate yourself on these choices, make the best decision for you and your baby, then present your plan to your provider, ensuring you are exactly where you need to be. Your birth plan opens that level of communication between you, your birth team, and your birth partner. I recommend that your partner is well versed in your birth plan, and you have a few copies packed in your birth bag!

Remember … your choices and having control over your birth impact your experience! Take control of your birth today by creating your birth plan!

.What is a Birth Plan & Why do you Need it? - Joovy Magazine


Happy planning and best wishes on your pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and journey through motherhood!!

birth plan,birth,pregnancy,doula,postpartum,create a birth plan,custom birth plan

Tanya Grazione


I am a certified Doula, Hypnobirthing® Childbirth Educator, Prenatal and Postpartum Fitness Specialist, and owner of YourBirthMembership.com and Roar Like a mama Doula Collective. Between education and Birth Doula services, I have supported hundreds of women and their families by giving them the tools to advocate for the births they envision in the hospital or at home! I am also happily married to my best friend and homeschooling mama of 4!

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