How to Keep Kids On Sleep Schedules During Summer Travel 

How to Keep Kids On Sleep Schedules During Summer Travel 

Summer is a time to enjoy, with a lot of resting, traveling, and everything in between. However, for some parents, it can also mean a time of stress, especially if you’ve just gotten your child on a routine and they’re sleeping well! It’s essential to find a balance so you can live your life but not let sleep take a back seat to travel or simply longer summer days. But you ...

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How to Budget for a Family Vacation This Year

How to Budget for a Family Vacation This Year

Family vacations are always a fun opportunity to make new memories as you bond with your kids and partner. Luckily, you can save a couple of dollars while having the time of your life. You just need to find the proper steps that will work for you.  Explore these budgeting tips to get the best bang for your buck. 1. Achieve Modest Savings Want to cut back on expenses? It’s good for families ...

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7 Tips for Life on the Road…With Kids!

7 Tips for Life on the Road…With Kids!

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “It’s all over when you have kids.” For many, they let this be their motto and don’t take risks or chase dreams once they have children. Many parents are in fear of being selfish and feeling like they can’t live life because they are parents now. There is a growing movement across the U.S where many young families are ditching mortgages. They are choosing ...

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Canveral National Seashore

Summer by the Seashore

Republished article from the National Park Foundation   10 National Parks for Your Coastal Vacation Summer days are meant to be spent by the seashore. The relaxing rhythm of the waves lapping onto the sand. The embrace of the heat radiating from every surface, made bearable by the breeze sweeping in from the water. The boundless opportunities for adventure and relaxation. Treat yourself to all this and more at any of the coastal ...

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Doing Disney on a budget with a REALLY big family (and a really big stroller)

How to Do Disney World When You Have a Big Family

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that we love Disney. Even as our family has grown from two kids to six, we’ve visited Disney World just as much. We love going because seeing the twinkle in their eyes when they see their favorite Disney characters or go on their favorite ride just makes it all worth it. Now, I would be lying if I said that every trip is ...

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Close up of married couple holding hands

Babymooning When You Have Kids

"I already have kids, can we still take a babymoon?" The answer is YES, all the YES. Whether you’re a working mom or a stay-at-home mom, being a mom, in general, is HARD. Let's just take a moment and think back to when we were pregnant with our first child. When we heard about the concept of a babymoon, it was a no-brainer, right? Fast forward to now, and you’re pregnant with your ...

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