
Treasure Hunts and Stroller Rides with the Family

“Mama! Here’s another pretty leaf!”

“I love it! Let’s add it to our collection of treasures,” I reply, mirroring my daughter’s delight. 

My little girl, Darcy, delicately picks up the leaf and examines it against the sunlight. We admire the little veins and compare their shape to the other leaves stored in the back of our stroller. 

My baby, Laney, merrily kicks her legs as she watches us from her comfortable stroller seat, and the three of us leisurely make our way home. 

My little family doesn’t just go on daily stroller rides; we go on stroller rides and TREASURE HUNTS. 

Which sounds more exciting?

“Honey, do you want to go for a walk?”


“Honey, do you want to go on a treasure hunt?!”

This is a simple and meaningful way for me to add another element of fun to our daily walks. 

The LEAF treasure hunt started because Darcy and I were making a craft with different shapes of leaves. 

Here are the steps to this fun craft:

  • Find leaves of different shapes and sizes 
  • Paint each leaf a different color or pattern 
  • Stamp the leaves on a piece of paper to create a beautiful work of art 

The best part of this project was hunting for different leaves. Darcy, Laney, and I had a ball! 

Now, we go on “treasure hunts” to search for different items in nature. Last week, we went searching for the perfect acorn. Then, the next day, Darcy wanted to know what the inside of an acorn looked like, so we foraged the sidewalk for a broken acorn. This led to a fascinating discussion on seeds and how trees grow. 

“Darcy, did you know a HUGE oak tree is hiding inside this acorn, just waiting to grow? It just needs dirt, water, and sunlight.”

“Really?!? How?!?” 

Here are four reasons why I love this special time together. 

treasure hunts with kids joovy magazine

It’s educational!

Going on “treasure hunts” with my girls every day is so educational. Here’s why: we talk and learn about our surroundings on each walk. What do we do at a stop sign, Darcy? Do you hear the woodpecker? Can you make that sound too? What color is that mailbox? Should we go left or right? Our daily excursions provide so many opportunities to help my children learn about safety, expand their vocabulary, and learn more about nature. 

treasure hunts with kids joovy magazine

It helps the family connect with nature 

An important value I hope to teach my daughters is to appreciate nature and take care of it. We like to stop and watch bugs, admire spider webs, and rescue worms we find on the sidewalk after a storm. We listen to the birds, watch the squirrels gather supplies for winter, and marvel at the height of certain trees. My daughters learn the names of different flowers, trees, and insects just by chatting on our walks and searching for treasures. I truly believe that the more we learn about the many wonders of nature, the better we will appreciate it and take care of it. 

treasure hunts with kids joovy magazine

It’s SO healthy

Did you know that time outdoors is incredibly healthy, both mentally and physically? According to Cleveland Clinic, walking reduces stress, boosts self-esteem, lowers blood pressure, improves sleep, AND energizes you. Also, Advanced Neurotherapy states that exposure to vitamin D is essential to daily function; a daily dose of vitamin D does wonders for brain connectivity! So, while my daughters and I are picking a bouquet of dandelions, I’m fostering life-long, healthy habits. 

Treasure hunt and strolls with kids

It’s about the journey, not the destination 

If you’ve ever taken your young children on a walk, you know they’re in no hurry to get back home. They want to stop and examine every ant, take breaks, and become best friends with all

the neighborhood dogs. Many adults, myself included, have a tendency to complete each task as quickly as possible in an effort to move on to the next activity. However, having children has shown me that I want to savor each moment of the most routine pursuits. When my daughters and I go on “treasure hunts” it shifts our focus to the joy of the journey, rather than checking another item off our to-do list. I don’t want my children to hurry through life, and by showing them that I can slow down, watch ants, search for acorns, and find beautiful leaves, I am modeling the values I hope to instill. 

Whatever strategy you use to get your family active and outside will create lifelong memories and encourage a healthy, joyful life. 

Happy Treasure Hunting!

Share your adventures with your family in the comments below.


Emily Shepard

Hi, I’m Emily, a mom, teacher, and writer.
I live in the Midwest with my husband, our daughters, and our rescue dog. Motherhood and a passion for working with kids has guided my career path for the past nine years. I was a high school English teacher for seven years and now I am a freelance writer. Freelance writing allows me to do the two things I love most: spend time with my daughters and write content that helps others.
I am drawn to projects that help families slow down, connect, and live joyfully. My goal is always to work with businesses, organizations, or individuals who make a positive difference in their neighborhoods.

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