What Is An Earth Friendly 4th July Independence Day Celebration, Anyway?

What Is An Earth Friendly 4th Of July Independence Day Celebration, Anyway?

The 4th of July is a time many of us gather outdoors for food and fun, but it can also produce avoidable waste. The good news is, there are many ways we can make the day more sustainable. Here are some easy tips for making your celebration more earth-friendly! 

Ditch the Plastic!

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Instead of buying single-use plastic plates, cups, and cutlery (which end up in landfills and take around 200 years to decompose), bring your own dishes from home. If you don’t have enough for the crowd, ask others to bring some of theirs. Miss the fun patterns and decor? Not to worry! Your cloth napkins or fun glasses can add some red, white, and blue touches to your table. To make cleaning up easier, have a designated tub or bucket filled with soapy water for guests to put their dirty dishes in. You can also offer a recycling station. This would make it clear what’s recyclable for guests if you do offer single-use items such as cans or glass bottles. 

Other alternatives to single-use plastics are items made with recycled plastic or biodegradable/compostable materials. Some of these may not be appropriate for backyard compost, though. Look for ones made with wood or plants. This will ensure they will fully break down as advertised. Whichever serving ware options you use, remember that you can always reuse them! Single-use items can almost all have a longer life if you wash them. 

Drink Options!

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Use a drink dispenser. This works well for water, lemonade, and any other drink you’re planning on serving in bulk. Plastic water bottles take 450 years to decompose, so offering water in a dispenser prevents a lot of waste! 

If you’re gathering in a public place, bring a reusable cooler instead of a styrofoam one. This will keep your items even cooler in addition to being eco-friendly. Styrofoam is one of the least sustainable materials out there. It does not decompose. It only breaks down into smaller pieces that are consumed by animals. This can create health issues for them but can also create issues in humans as it ends up in our food chain. 

Sustainable BBQs

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When planning your menu, be sure and stop by your local farmer’s market to pick up fresh produce. They tend to be fresher and last longer. Plus, buying food grown locally reduces your carbon footprint and usually tastes even better! 

Another way to really help the environment is to serve plant-based options. There are so many brands making vegan burger patties that taste like the real deal but without harming the planet. Some options for burger patty swaps are made by Beyond, Impossible, Sweet Earth, Gardein, Field Roast and Dr. Praeger’s. Add some vegan cheese on top by brands like Violife, Chao, Miyokos, 365, and Follow Your Heart, and you’ve got a tasty cheeseburger! Hummus and guacamole are fan favorites that are almost always naturally vegan. You can serve them with chips or raw veggies. Grill some corn on the cob, pineapple, or veggie skewers, and no one will miss the meat. 

If you are thinking of grilling, choose propane gas over charcoal. While gas is made from non-renewable fossil fuels, it releases less carbon emissions when burned. Burning charcoal releases over 100 times more carbon monoxide (and other volatile organic compounds) than propane. Charcoal produces twice the carbon dioxide per hour than gas. Plus, it does not get as hot as a gas grill which makes it less efficient when cooking. 

Be Mindful of the Decor

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Decorations are another easy way to show the earth some love this 4th of July. Set out bowls of blueberries, blackberries, apples, strawberries, or raspberries for food that’s delicious and on- theme. Consider reusing decorations from other holidays you might have in storage. This one might be obvious, but if you’ve ever thrown a 4th of July bash, see if you still have any of the decorations from that! Other holidays/occasions that may include red, white, or blue decorations are Election Day, Valentine’s Day, Cinco de Mayo, Veteran’s Day, President’s Day, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or Christmas. Flags and banners are a great option for a sustainable decor option as they are easy to store and reuse year after year. Another option is to check thrift stores, Facebook Marketplace, Offerup, Craigslist (as there are always people selling their previously used decorations for a bargain) or support a small Etsy shop.

If you plan to visit the beach during your July 4th celebration, be sure and choose a sunscreen that’s eco-friendly. There are two chemicals commonly found in sunscreen that have been proven to cause direct harm to coral in the ocean, oxybenzone, and octinoxate. Opt for mineral sunscreens made with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide instead, and avoid any labeled “nano” in particle size as anything under 100 nanometers is able to be ingested by corals. It also helps to cover up with clothing (rash guards, hats, and sunglasses) so that you can use less sunscreen overall. 

Takeaway? Every little bit helps

Even if you only choose to follow one of these suggestions, know that every small change you make in your life can positively impact the environment for the next generation.



Joovy Magazine Guest Author

Jessica Greenberg


Jessica Greenberg, LMSW is a therapist and toddler mom who is passionate about sustainability. Jessica has worked in the addiction and mental health field for over 10 years, providing group, family and individual counseling to women in recovery. When she is not at her day job, she shares about ethical and sustainable finds on her blog www.sustainablerainbow.com and Instagram @sustainablerainbow.

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