A few years ago, my life, mentality, and physical health looked a lot different than it does today. After enduring the impacts of an unhealthy second pregnancy, I found myself still gaining weight. I felt isolated and disconnected. After feeling less and less like myself, barely recognizing the woman in the mirror, I decided to stop putting my happiness on hold and step into action toward change. I knew I had ...
Read MoreSo you’re considering a meal kit to simplify your life. Makes sense. You’re busy. You have an endless list of to-dos and “dinner” and “grocery shopping” are always on the top of your list. You have a few go-to’s that you learned from your mom or grandma but how many times can you eat the same pan-roasted chicken before it starts to get old? To make matters even more complicated, ...
Read MoreA new baby, a new routine, a new body. I've been there. Three times. I understand how overwhelming it can be. Where do you start? It's best to begin our postpartum fitness journey with the place most affected by pregnancy- our core! Jumping back into our pre-pregnancy activities can actually be detrimental to our body, more specifically, our pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is our innermost core muscle that acts as ...
Read MoreThe year 2020 will forever be remembered as a challenging year for many reasons. We were forced to face new obstacles, adjustments we had to make, and difficulties we could never have imagined. As we find ourselves transitioning into a post-pandemic world and learning from what we experienced last year, we need to focus on shifting from barely surviving 2020 to thriving in 2021 as we navigate a new normal ...
Read MoreI didn’t even think it was possible, but I am having the best sex of my ENTIRE life…after two kids and fourteen years of marriage. How can sex be this good when you have two people with super busy schedules, a needy two-year-old, and a six-year-old who still finds a reason to randomly come to your room at 3:00 a.m.? And where was all this good sex when I was ...
Read MoreUn-Busy? Slow Down? No way. If I slow down, the laundry will pile up. If I get un-busy, the family won’t get fed. If I take a break or take care of myself, my whole entire world will fall apart because guess what? If I don’t do it, it won’t get done! If I put it all down, my house and my life will start to look like me or how I ...
Read MoreTrue self-care is the practice of cultivating daily habits that contribute to nourishing our mind, body, and spirit. . When our mind, body, and spirit are nourished and in alignment - we can give from the overflow. So how do you make time for self-care when you're either on your own; your significant other has a demanding job, or help is unavailable? It is possible. Let's explore some simple self-care habits that cultivate and ...
Read MoreYou know those mamas who always look put together? I'm talking their makeup on, hair done, wearing clothes with an abnormally scarce amount of sticky finger stains and/or spit-up? Well, get ready to join them, because you GOT THIS. The experts say that when you look good, you feel good, and there’s some solid psychology to back that up. The problem is, most moms barely have time for a hot shower, ...
Read MoreExercising with kids around is about as easy to do as a crow’s pose after eating a plate of nachos. If it’s not a drowsy five-year-old trying to keep up on his bike for your morning run, it’s a teething baby, a bailing babysitter, or a closed sign on the daycare at the gym. For parents, squeezing in a workout is sometimes so laughable that it becomes a nonstarter, but the ...
Read MoreYou know what really kills a good time on the beach with your family? Worrying about how you look. But as moms, we’re GREAT at being our own toughest critics and sabotaging a beautiful moment by worrying about what our butt looks like in a swimsuit. In pursuit of making memories (and feeling fine doing it), here are some summer must-haves that will make any mom feel like a sun-kissed babe on ...
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