
Transition From Crib to Bed

You have a toddler, and they start to climb out of their crib! Is it time to move them to a toddler bed? Maybe yes, maybe no! Throughout the time that I’ve been a sleep consultant, one of the questions I get asked the most is related to moving your little one into a toddler bed. The transition from crib to toddler bed can be a tough one, but there ARE a few things you can do to help prepare you and your toddler. 


Make the Transition at The Right Time

First things first. My number one tip for this transition is to WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE TO! Making that change prematurely almost always causes more headaches than we would like. Don’t go based on your child’s age. You want to wait until you’ve tried EVERYTHING and THEN make that change. 

  1. Start with an independent sleeper. This will make the transition easier. 
  2. The older, the better. This is because communication with a 3-year-old is different from communication with a 2-year-old. The older they are, the better you can explain things. 
  3. Try laying the mattress all the way to the ground if your crib allows you to.
  4. If your crib has a solid side, turn it over so that the side with the rails is against the walls, making it harder for them to climb out. 
  5. Are they in a sleep sack?
  6. Don’t make the transition because a new baby is on the way. This might be tricky, but most newborns sleep in the parent’s room before moving to a crib.

If you’ve tried all these tips, it’s time to make the change. Here’s how:

  1. Make sure they are an independent sleeper
  2. Talk to your toddler about the change
  3. Get them involved with decisions regarding their new space. Bedding, comfort items, pajamas
  4. Get excited about the change and get them excited
  5. Treat their room like a giant crib with everyone attached to the walls and anything dangerous moved out of their room
  6. Add a few extra minutes of hangout time in their room before you make the transition 

Once the new bed is in their room, add these steps:

  1. Spend an extra few minutes with them
  2. Consider a wake-to-sleep clock
  3. A red night light if they are afraid of the dark
  4. Have a gate or the Door Monkey to ensure they stay in their room
  5. A bedtime pass that’s used once per night
  6. Have a plan in place in case they still decide to get up and walk out

Can you move them from the crib straight to a bigger bed? You definitely can! The trick here is to wait until they are older than four years old. Confession time……we JUST moved our son out of his crib and into a full-size bed, and he’s 5! We only moved him because we thought it would be a good time….he never complained about his crib being small or anything! If this is you, the transition is ever easier because now they really can communicate things with you. Here’s how to make that change…..

  1. Start with an independent sleeper
  2. Get them excited about the change
  3. Let them choose their bedding and room decor if you want to spruce things up (we did Transformers)
  4. Make sure dressers, etc., are attached to the wall
  5. Consider a floor bed. This really made things easier for us, and since toddlers sleep all sorts of weird ways, if they fall, it’s not too much of a big deal. 

If you need more support and sleep advice for your baby, please feel free to schedule a free consultation with me. 

Drop your questions to the sleep expert below.


Jamie Ortiz

Jamie Ortiz is the owner of Little Ones Sleep Society, a military spouse, mother of two and Florida native. Her favorite part of sleep consulting is being there to support her parents through a stressful time, offering different ways of making them comfortable, and celebrating them reaching their goals, while being able to achieve it by making the parents comfortable and also knowing what their baby needs. Being certified in baby and toddler sleep, sleep for children on the Autism spectrum, and sleep for adopted and fostered children plus being fluent in Spanish, she’s been able to work with families in both communities, resulting in an amazing experience she can offer to the families she will work with in the future. You can find her on Instagram or Facebook.

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