Holiday,Financial goals,Parents,Gift,giving,Season,Holidays

Parents: Tips For Sticking to Your Financial Goals This Holiday Season

It’s that time of year again! The time of year for gift-giving, matching family PJs, winter getaways, holiday parties, shopping deals, and more. 

All the things can be both fun and very expensive! With the state of the economy this holiday season, we need to stay on track more than ever with our finances so we don’t add any undue financial stress moving into 2023.

Because we are surrounded by so much consumerism daily, sticking to a budget and financial goals can be a difficult mental game this time of year. As a mom of three little kids and someone who greatly values financial stability, I’ve found some things that help my family stay on budget during the consumer-heavy months of the year. 

I want to focus on a few mindset shifts that really help get my mind in the right space before the holidays! I focus on three things as we approach the shopping season. 

Less is more

I’ve been a mom for almost eight years, and I’ve had years where I’ve (admittedly) gone overboard on the gifts for my kids out of (my) excitement. For that reason, I know that kids easily get overwhelmed by too many gifts! Less is certainly more with kids; they can enjoy receiving gifts more when they have less to focus on. Having just a few gifts you know they will love is a better experience for everyone! I spend time thinking about what gift would be an absolute “home run” for each of my kids before I purchase anything. I always remind myself that more “things” will only clutter our memories, not generate happiness. 

Holiday,Financial goals,Parents,Gift,giving,Season,Holidays

Holiday Memories Last Forever

Have you ever purchased a toy with great reviews, only for your kid to play with the toy once and never again? This has happened to me many times! The lesson I learned here is that toys will be a miss sometimes, but spending uninterrupted time with kids is always a hit!  

I keep this notion in my mind when shopping for the holidays because time is free! Starting a tradition while kids are out of school for the holidays, like family game night, will provide memories that will last forever that a toy will not. There are also so many free community events to take advantage of this time of year. I challenge you to think of three things you can do as a family this holiday season that doesn’t cost anything but your time! Those activities together will make the most of the extra family time, not another “thing.” 

Holiday,Financial goals,Parents,Gift,giving,Season,Holidays

Enjoy gift giving

We are surrounded constantly by ads and marketing, which can create pressure to buy the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Though we all know the saying, “it’s the thought that counts,” we can certainly forget that when surrounded by so many “great gifts.” 

However, it truly is the thought that counts! We love to give gifts because it tells the other person that we are thinking about them and they are special. It tells them we took time to buy, make, or create a gift just for them. Any gift, big or small, sends the same message to the receiver!

This is a lesson I learned as I started teaching my young children about gift-giving.

They get so excited to go to the store and help pick out gifts for our family. They put a LOT of thought into it and love wrapping gifts! When it’s time to give the gift, they are SO excited for the person to open it. They don’t care if it’s just a candle or coffee cup; they genuinely enjoy the giving! Kids have such kind hearts, and getting them involved in the process helps foster that kindness.  

Make a plan for the Holidays

I know you already know that you should plan and budget for the holidays! So make a list, make a plan, and make a budget that fits your family this year. I promise you that no one on your list wants you to go into debt to buy them a gift! Change your mindset, put away your credit card, and focus on making memories this holiday season that doesn’t require a payment with interest!

Holiday,Financial goals,Parents,Gift,giving,Season,Holidays

What are Your Financial Goals for This Holiday Season?

Teran Sands Guest Joovy Author

Teran Sands

Teran Sands is an MBA, author, Mom of 3, and owner of Sands CPA firm in Decatur, TX. Sands CPA is a husband-and-wife team owned and operated by Teran and her husband, Carson Sands, CPA. The firm was started after seeing a huge need for better service for businesses and entrepreneurs in the accounting industry. They produce content to help business owners tackle the paperwork side of their business, and work to inspire, teach, and empower those taking the first step into entrepreneurship.

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