Cleaning supplies

Must-Know Cleaning Hacks

For the Love of Clean Presents: Brilliant Cleaning Hacks

Some messes in the home seem impossible to tackle. If you’re stuck in a cycle of cleaning procrastination, hear us out — it doesn’t have to be this way. You can have a life and have a clean home too. These easy cleaning hacks will help you check those cringe-worthy cleaning tasks off your to-do list quickly and efficiently.



Cleaning In the Kitchen


Young boy helping to clean the kitchen

Clean the Cracks and Crevices

To get into small areas, like on a small appliance, try using a toothpick.


DIY Swiffer Pads

Have you ever gone to use your Swiffer and discovered you used the last pad already? Try a fuzzy sock instead! They work just as well, and as a bonus, are washable and reusable.


Fruit Juice Stains on Wooden Cutting Boards

If you cut fruit on a wooden cutting board and it stains, washes with soapy water and let dry for 48 hours. You may need to repeat three or four times until the stain is gone.


Stuck-on Messes

If you have a mess that just won’t come off of a hard surface (like your glass stovetop, counter, or floor), use a razor blade at a 45-degree angle. Of course, use caution so you don’t scratch the surface or cut yourself.



If you want to have your sponges last longer, try cutting them in half. A half sponge cleans just as well as a full one, and your pack will last twice as long.




Cleaning In The Bathroom


Spraying cleaner in bathroom

Cleaning Grout

Changing out your toothbrush?  Don’t throw the old one away!  An old toothbrush can be a great tool to help you scrub cleaner onto your grout.


Moldy Caulk

If the caulk in your tub, shower, or sink is turning red or black, tear some paper towels into strips or get some cotton balls, soak them in a 10% bleach solution, and lay them on the caulk for 2-4 hours to let the bleach work its magic! *Note, if the caulk has lifted and had mold behind it, it may need to be replaced.


Urine Odor

Does your bathroom have an odor of urine that won’t go away?  Try using shaving cream around the toilet! Spread it and leave for an hour or so, then use a plastic cup or squeegee to help get it up.




Cleaning Stubborn Smells and Stains


Little boy after playing in the mud

Makeup Stains

Makeup spill on the carpet? Break out the Folex. Spray the area, then use your fingers to agitate it. Blot with an absorbent cloth.


Berry Stains

Strawberries squashed in the carpet? Spray the area with Folex, scrub with your fingers, then blot with an absorbent cloth. It may take more than one time, but keep it up and the stain will start to fade!


Blood Stains

If blood has ended up on your belongings due to a nose bleed or other accident, use hydrogen peroxide to remove the stain. Test the material in an inconspicuous spot first, then pour on a small amount of hydrogen peroxide. When it stops bubbling, blot with a clean cloth. Repeat until the stain is gone.


Smoke Smell in Clothing

Pick up a bottle of Odoban. You can either dilute this miracle worker and spray it directly onto the clothing, or you can add it to the fabric softener slot of your washing machine.


Stinky Living Areas

If you have odors in your home from cooking or from just living, try putting bowls of vinegar, baking soda, or coffee grounds around the room. They will help absorb the smell and freshen the air.


Stinky Trash Can

Is the smell of that trash can or diaper pail less than pleasant? Try adding laundry scent boosters to the bottom before putting them in the bag.


Stains on Shoes

 If you have small stains, especially on the rubber part of your shoes, try using a pencil eraser or Magic Eraser to remove them.


Smoke Smell on Hard Surfaces

Wash the item with Dawn and warm water.


Smoke Smell on Items That Cannot Be Washed

Place the item in a trash bag with some baking soda and leave until the smell is gone.




Storage Solutions


Declutter bins

Clutter in the Car

Keep plastic or paper grocery bags in the car for trash, muddy clothes and shoes, etc. This way you just have one thing to take out of the car at the end of the day.


Messy Fridge

Do you have trouble finding things in your refrigerator and end up tossing food because it expired before you remembered you had it? Try to use dollar store bins to help organize it. They can pull out easily, and everything will be simpler to find.


Storing Sheets

Do you ever lose a part of your sheet set in your linen closet? To avoid this, fold the set and stack the flat sheet, fitted sheet, and one pillowcase. Then slide the stack into the second pillowcase to keep it together.


Baking Soda

In order to sprinkle baking soda for freshening purposes, use an empty parmesan container and avoid those annoying clumps.


Miscellaneous Clutter

If you tend to get clutter on your counter or in certain rooms, try using a basket to collect it so it’s all in one place. Then return the items to their proper place at the end of the day.


Odds and Ends


Dog cleaning

Ceiling Fans Dust

Use a pillowcase! Place it over the blades and wipe from the inside out. The pillowcase will catch all the dust and keep it from flying through the air.


Cleaning Windows and Mirrors

Use 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth for a crisp, streak-free clean.


Freshen the Air

If you prefer a scent other than what your vacuum puts out when vacuuming, try adding scent boosters or tissue paper with scented oil to the canister or vacuum bag.


Pet Hair, Everywhere

If you have heavy shedders in your home and your soft surfaces are covered, try using a squeegee and/or rubber gloves. Just run it along the surface and watch it pull the hair into a pile that you can easily pick up and throw away. Genius!


Cleaning Cloth Couches and Chairs

Spray with Original Windex or 70% isopropyl rubbing alcohol until good and wet. You want to wet the entire surface area to prevent watermarks from occurring. Scrub with a plastic scrubby brush, then wipe with a terry cloth/white washcloth. Once dried, brush again with the scrubby brush to soften the fibers.


Cleaning Walls and Ceilings

If you’d rather not use a ladder to clean your walls and ceiling, try flipping your Swiffer or sponge mop on its end to reach those high and low areas easily.



Believe it or not, we have so many more tips and tricks than what we’ve listed here. If you are interested in learning more, please join us at Laundry Love & Cleaning Science!


Laundry Love & Cleaning Science

Laundry Love & Cleaning Science is a group of people and parents dedicated to the science of cleaning. Join their Facebook group to get hands-on advice, learn what really works, and clean EVERYTHING, from cloth diapers to dishwashers!

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