mom’s guide to self care as seasons change

Mom’s Guide to Self-Care as Seasons Change

Each season requires a time for you to “reset” and look at what you’ve done so far to be the best person, partner, and parent you can be. However, while it’s nice to look at things you can improve for the upcoming season, it’s great to acknowledge how hard you’ve worked and how you can care for yourself better, too. Here are some ways to check in with yourself during the turn of the seasons.


1. Learn How to Meditate

Meditation can benefit you by teaching you more about your mind and body. As you sit alone with your thoughts, ground yourself and remember what’s most important to you. Just five minutes a day can bring you back to the center of yourself and remind you of what you’re working toward. You can even spend time outside to enjoy the weather during your meditation time.

Including meditation in your daily life can help you see several improvements in your mood. It can calm you down, which helps with tricky situations in your household. You always want to present your best self to your kids, and meditation can allow you to ground yourself and remember to be grateful for even the little things.


2. Adhere to Bedtimes

Even if it’s tempting to stay up after the kids go to bed, you should stick to a bedtime for yourself. Time for yourself means nothing if you’re suffering from a lack of rest the next day.

The average adult needs seven or nine hours of sleep per night. The best thing you can do for yourself is set up a nighttime routine that encourages you to get to bed.


3. Take a Walk Outside

While the weather is still tolerable, try to get outside as much as you can. Pushing a stroller around the block or taking your kids to the park are perfect ways to get outside during the fall. The fresh air and sunlight will give you a quick boost in energy, especially if you work inside all day. 


4. Bring Natural Light Inside

On the days when it’s too cold to go outside, bring some of the benefits indoors. Natural light has many health benefits compared to artificial lighting. It can reduce the risk of seasonal depression, boost your vitamin D levels and improve your sleep. Open up your curtains and sit by the window during the daytime. If you work from home, consider moving your desk closer to a window if it’s not near one already. 


5. Find Small Ways to Exercise

Busy moms often don’t make time for exercise. Unfortunately, a sedentary life could lead to health consequences. While your kids are occupied with a TV show or game, consider exercising how you can. You might walk laps around your house or even lift “weights” with cans from your pantry. Start looking around your home for small things that could double as a chance to exercise.


6. Talk to Others

When life becomes unbearable, you may feel too overwhelmed to catch up with loved ones. Fortunately, your friends and family understand when you’re going through a tough time, and will likely help you if you reach out to them. Spending time with them without worrying about chores or job responsibilities can help you feel better.

Let your inner social butterfly out. As the seasons change, it’s the perfect time to go shopping for new decor, or spend time outside in cooler or warmer weather. Participate in seasonal activities. Make plans with your friends like you used to before you had all the responsibilities. It might just be the thing that brings you back to your best.


7. Do Something You Love

As a mom, it can be hard to find time for your hobbies. When you do have downtime, you might find yourself watching TV instead of picking up a book or doing a craft. While watching a non-cartoon show can be a treat, engaging in a hobby is much better for your mental health. 

You don’t have to dedicate hours to a hobby to reap the benefits. Simply find 15 minutes in your day to read a chapter of a book, work on a knitting project or do some yoga. That small window will give you something to look forward to during a hectic schedule. 


Consider the Seasons When Planning Self-care

If the weather’s nice, spend more time outside. Getting fresh air and sunlight is more beneficial than you can imagine. Spend time understanding where you feel lacking in your life. Maybe you’re missing your friends or want some quiet time alone.

From there, you can determine which self-care activities can bring you back to the center and improve your mood. With a little work, you’ll understand how to make yourself feel like “you” again. All it takes is a little time appreciating yourself each season.

What are some of the self-care activities you enjoy?

Author headshot Cora Gold

Cora Gold

Cora Gold is a motherhood and family life blogger and the Editor-in-Chief of women’s lifestyle magazine, Revivalist.

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