Father and son playing in a field

Joovy Asks: What Was Your Vasectomy Like?

Vasectomy Fast Facts:


The average cost of vasectomy in the US: is from $300 to $3,000

Average recovery time: About 7 days

Average procedure time: 30 minutes

Possible complications: Bleeding, infection, mild inflammation

Chance of pregnancy after vasectomy: .1%


Joovy Magazine dared to go there in this interview roundup of dads who weren’t afraid to bare it all. Each year, about 500,000 men in the US get the procedure done — but are vasectomies something to freak out about?


We’ll let the men be the judge of that — these dads had something to say about it.


Whose idea was it for you to get a vasectomy — yours, or your wife’s?

Family time


100% of our dads said it was a mutual decision, nobody was pressuring anybody, and everybody was on board.


So how did it go?


“Quick, easy, and MOSTLY painless.”

— Nathanael


“In two words, slightly awkward. My wife decided that since I had watched her give birth three times, she was going to be present and watch the procedure. But that wasn’t the awkward part. Because you’re awake for everything, I was completely aware of the casual conversation going on between my wife and the nurse while everything was just hanging out in the open.”

— Jared


How long did it take you to recover?

Dad laying on sofa


Kelvin: “Two weeks.”

Robert: “Week and a half because I overdid it the next day.”

Jared: “Two days.”

Nathanael: “Almost a week to feel (and walk) completely normal. Back to work right away though. I was fine as long as I took it easy those first few days. (Farmer’s work is never done).”



Be honest, did you go back for your follow-up visit?

Did you return for a follow up visit Chart





What was the most challenging part of the procedure and recovery?


“I’d have to go with just getting the courage to go to the consultation. But I had a very good doctor, one of the best in the area, and he really put me at ease and made me feel extremely comfortable.

I wouldn’t call recovery challenging. It felt like getting hit in the crotch, but the discomfort lasted for two days. I was able to go about life normally. I even drove home after the procedure. I don’t get why I hear all the horror stories and guys who sit around and do nothing for the whole weekend.”

— Jared



“Getting the numbing to work for the procedure. They had to do a couple of injections so that was the worst part. They weren’t going down without a fight!”

— Nathanael



Parting Words of Wisdom From Men Who Have Made It Back to Tell the Tale


“When you get down to it, the whole procedure takes about 15 minutes. At least it did for me. Maybe it’s the quality of the doctor, though, too. I’ve definitely heard the horror stories first hand, but that’s also why I try to recommend the doctor that did mine.”

— Jared


“Get yourself a bag of frozen peas and if you really don’t want any surprise babies, make sure you do those follow-up samples!!”

— Nathanael


Father and son



Have you had a vasectomy? Put the other Joovy Dads at ease — was it worth it?


Destiny Hagest


Destiny is the Editor in Chief at Joovy, mom to two little boys, and a freelance content strategist. When she isn't buried in her next business venture, you can catch her baking cookies with her preschooler, being the world's slowest runner, and snatching up the last bath bomb.

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