Deliciously Spooky: 3 Irresistibly Yummy Halloween Treats
It’s spooky season, and Halloween means yummy treats everywhere. Sometimes, it can seem overwhelming or even intimidating to make the perfect holiday-themed goodies for your kiddos or parties, but it doesn’t have to be! Here are three recipes for your little boys and ghouls this Halloween. Plus, they are all allergen-friendly!
Homemade Treats this Spooky Season

Chocolate Dipped Apples
- Apples
- Melted chocolate
- Toppings
- Popsicle sticks
- Parchment paper
- Cutting board or large tray
- Slice apples into wedges or rounds. Make sure they are thick enough to hold a popsicle stick.
- Dip each piece of apple into melted chocolate, and set it down on a parchment paper lined cutting board or large plate (makes it easier for transporting to the fridge).
- Once the apples are all covered in chocolate, it’s time to decorate… but move quickly before the chocolate hardens. Use your favorite toppings and then pop the tray or cutting board of apples into the fridge for a few minutes to harden the chocolate before enjoying.
- Store any leftovers in the fridge for 1-2 days.
Caramel apples can be tricky for kiddos to eat, so here’s a great alternative… and the kids can get involved, too. It’s kind of like a fun art project meets after school or a Saturday activity meets fun in the kitchen. Plus, the toppings are endless… from sprinkles to nuts, marshmallows to cereal, cookie crumbles to freeze-dried fruit — everyone can choose what they want!
Any variety of apples works great for this recipe. Sliced apples are easier for kiddos to eat, whether you make them in round sizes or small wedges (like in the photo). Round slices or wedges are easier for the kiddos to decorate vs decorating whole apples. Use whatever chocolate your family likes best. Choose dark or milk chocolate, and it also works great with vegan chocolate or allergen-friendly chocolate.

Ghost Boonanas
- Bananas
- Melted chocolate
- Piping bag or zip-lock bag
- Slice the bananas in half. You can either slice them in half and leave an even straight line on the bottoms or, if you’d like to make it look like a sheet, you can cut out two triangles (like a zig-zag)—both work.
- Using a piping bag or snack bag filled with melted chocolate, add little chocolate eyes and a spooky mouth.
- That’s it! Pop them in the fridge for a few minutes so the chocolate hardens before enjoying.
BOO! Ohh no… I hope I didn’t scare you with these frightening ghosts! Don’t worry, they are just bananas. This is great for kids of all ages and can make your snack plate or lunch extra spooky! Plus, you only need two things: chocolate and ripe “nanas” of course.
These simple and yummy boonanas will be loved by everyone in the house or at your halloween party. You don’t have to be super crafty or good at decorating to make these tasty ghosts — AND they all can look a little different, which makes them even cuter.

Chocolate Spiderwebs
- Melted chocolate
- Piping bag or zip-lock bag
- Parchment paper
- Cutting board or tray
- Lay parchment paper on a cutting board or tray. Melt chocolate and put it into a Piping bag or zip-lock bag and cut off the tip.
- With chocolate, draw a plus sign onto the parchment paper. Then add another plus over going the opposite way to create eight lines coming out of one point.
- Connect the ends of each tip by going in a circle until the circle closes. Make a smaller circle doing the same thing.
- Put the tray or cutting board into the fridge to harden.
- Remove carefully from parchment paper and place directly on frosted brownies or cakes, or cookies…or just eat them plain.
These cutie spiderwebs will turn any cake, cookies, brownies, or even snack plates into perfect Halloween treats – without much effort. You only need one ingredient… chocolate. You could whip up a bunch of these in no time at all!
They are so easy to make, and it’s okay if they all look a little different, too. You can freehand these spooky spiderwebs, or you can use a template. Just find a spider web clip art online and print it on paper. Parchment paper over the template and trace over the clip art. I personally prefer the freehand method.