Let’s be honest here moms, it is nearly impossible to get a cute photo with you and your kids without hiring a professional. Do you feel me on this one?
As a mom and professional photographer, it is even harder for me. Over the years I have learned a couple of tips and tricks that will drastically improve your chances of nailing that perfect family photo with your iPhone.

Step 1: The Setup
A tripod or phone holder or something to stabilize your phone is a must. That is the only way you can be in the photo. You can easily search for universal
phone mounts on Amazon. Here is a link to the one that I used for this shot.
Next, find a comfortable place in your house with lots of natural light. Windows are your best friend. Turn off all of the artificial lights so your photos look more natural.
There are Two Ways to Capture Yourself in Front of the Camera The easiest way, but does not produce the highest quality photos, is just to make a video and pause it at your favorite parts and do a screenshot of those images. That way you have a cute video of the family interaction as well. If you want a bit higher-quality photos, download this free app.
This app lets you take a photo every second until you tell it to stop. You may need to make sure that your phone does not lock during the process and if you turn it on airplane or focus mode then no one will be able to call and interrupt.

Step 2: Shoot
Turn your phone on and get your family ready to have some fun. We did a simple pillow fight since I know that is what my five-year-old responds to. Pillow fights can easily be turned into tickle fights and with a little bit of rearranging during the tickle fights, you can position all of the faces towards the camera. Be conscious of where your limbs end up since there is nobody directing you.
If you have pets, make sure to incorporate toys that they love. As you can see my jack Russell is a sucker for a tennis ball.
Step 3: Edit
Here is a quick video of how I edit my photos on my iPhone. You can do it straight in your photo albums.
The bottom line is if you do not know what each slider and function does, does then play with it. The phone won’t explode, you won’t break it, and everything can be undone on your iPhone by hitting “restore original”.
No matter how you get the shot, the most important part is that you get that shot! As your kids get older you will find that having images of them at every stage of life, is a gift!
Do you have any fun tips and tricks to get great pictures of your kids? Drop your hint in the comments!