Mother looks at her baby breastfeeding

How to Breastfeed in Public Like a Boss

Before having kids, whipping your boob out in public was strictly a no-no. Ironically, unless you were dancing topless on a bar, breasts were never meant to see the light of day outside of your home.

Then breastfeeding happened, and suddenly you have to adjust to this whole new concept of using them, anytime, anywhere, to feed your tiny human.

It. Gets. Real.

We’re not going to get into all of the reasons why breastfeeding is wonderful (because duh), but we are going to take a few minutes to say, Okay, this is an adjustment.

Whether you’re modest or not, nursing your baby in public can feel a little intimidating at first, and many moms do so with a burning fear that they’re going to be the next viral social media story of some dude in a coffee shop blowing up on her for being “indecent”.

Let’s gloss over all of the reasons why it’s completely okay to breastfeed in public and just start with you, because 99% of the time, nobody is going to say anything (no, seriously). The fear of breastfeeding in public is primarily a confidence issue for moms.

We invite you to step into your power, unclip your nursing bra, and breastfeed anywhere you please — here are a few ways to improve your confidence and breastfeed like the boss you are.


#1  Know Your Rights

FACT: It is legal to breastfeed in public in all 50 states. It is NOT indecent exposure, and federal law protects nursing mothers and babies anywhere they’re allowed to be.

Now here’s the kicker: business owners are not legally allowed to ask you to cover up, but they ARE allowed to ask you to leave. If they say you’re not allowed to be on the property, even if it’s because you’re nursing your baby, then you have to follow their rules or leave, but you cannot be arrested for breastfeeding, just refuse to leave.

On federal property it’s another story; you’re actually guaranteed the right to breastfeed, covered or not, no matter what.

If you find yourself in a situation where you’re nursing in a store or restaurant and are asked to cover up, politely tell the person that what they’re doing is illegal — that usually settles the issue. If however, they ask you to leave, technically you have to do so (but not without leaving a scathing recount of the event on Facebook).


#2 Look at Your Baby

Breast feeding mother looks at her baby

Looking around at other people to see if they’re looking at you is only going to make them look at you more (and make you BOTH feel uncomfortable). If you’re nervous about nursing in public, one of the best things you can do is lose yourself in the moment.

Find a quiet place and look right at your baby the entire time, because absolutely nothing else matters outside of what you two are doing at that moment. Bonus points: giving full focus to your baby can also help your milk let down faster!


#3 Plan Your Outfits for It

flowy shirt for breast feeding

No matter how you want to nurse, one thing’s for sure: it’s definitely easier if you’re not wearing a turtleneck dress.

Make sure whatever you wear before you leave the house is boob accessible. If it has a high neckline, you’ll have to lift the bottom of it to get access instead, so make sure you’re comfortable with showing your stomach in public before you commit to that outfit.

Also, keep in mind that dark colors are going to show white crusty milk dribbles a whole lot more than something lighter. If you’re nursing over the top of your shirt, you might want to make it a light one.


#4 Use the Two-Shirt Method

If you’re not super comfortable with showing your stomach or the top of your boob, the two-shirt method is great. Build up a stash of color-neutral camis to wear under your shirt, and when the time comes to feed, just lift one and lower the other.

It can take a little squirming around at first, especially if you’re carrying your baby as you’re adjusting your clothes, but the risk of a nip slip is substantially lower.


#5 Use a Cover That Attaches

baby cover for nursing

Many moms just reach for a muslin blanket when trying to cover up to nurse in public, and many babies promptly throw them to the ground. Hint: If you don’t want any eyes on you while you’re nursing, beware: kind people love picking up dropped objects for moms with their hands full.

Use a cover that baby can’t throw instead, like this one from Milk Snob that wears like a poncho, or one that attaches to your stroller, like the Kooi Cover.


#6 Lean Back

An overactive letdown is when you have so much milk coming out at such a fast pace that your baby struggles to keep up. Moms with overactive letdowns face issues like reflux in their babies, oversupply, and firing milk at unsuspecting strangers standing 10 feet away.

If this is you, nursing in public will have an added layer of complications, not the least of which is that your poor baby is likely going to be unlatching a lot to take breaks. The solution? Lean back.

Some moms recline the seats in their cars, others find a good recliner in the furniture section. Whatever your jam is, find a place to sit that will allow you to rein in your letdown a little bit, and you’ll be able to nurse in public with less unlatching.

#7 Keep a Hand Free

Whether you have an overactive letdown or not, babies get distracted, and chances are, yours will unlatch abruptly and unexpectedly while you’re nursing in public, leaving you just kinda, out there.

If you’re nursing without a cover, always try to keep a hand free to avoid that last-minute moment of panic as you scramble to pull your shirt up. It’s just a boob, but if you don’t want yours out in the open air, be prepared for anything.


#8 Practice in the Baby Carrier

And we do mean practice. Breastfeeding in a baby carrier can be a godsend, but it can also be a little tricky at first. Try a few different carriers to figure out which style you prefer, and then practice doing it at home before you take it outside.

It’s frustrating at first, but keep trying, because once you unlock this skill, you can officially breastfeed, hold your baby, and grocery shop at the same time — you’re unstoppable.


#9 Find Some Peace and Quiet

Mother breast feeds under a tree

It’s not about going where nobody can see you, it’s about going where your baby can’t see anybody. Babies are curious, and your session will go a lot faster without a bunch of distractions. Opt for corner booths in restaurants, and make a stop in the shoe or furniture departments at department stores to get away from the crowds.


#10 Say No to Nursing in the Bathroom

Moth breastfeeds at lunch

Whether you’re asked to or just feel obligated to, just don’t do it. This is where poop happens — poop. It’s just unsanitary.


#11 Think Positive

mother smiles down at newborn

Breastfeeding in public does not have to be an activism thing — you can absolutely do it just because it’s a heck of a lot more convenient than pumping and packing a bottle. The simple truth is, most people are wildly supportive of breastfeeding mothers, and that for every crazy guy yelling at a nursing mother, there are about 50 people behind him telling him to go suck an egg.

You’re feeding your baby, not trying to steal somebody’s husband or start a riot. It’s okay to want privacy, it’s okay to want to cover up, and it’s okay to not care about anything other than feeding your baby absolutely any time he needs it.

Nursing mamas, build up the confidence of the new moms: Tell us your positive experience with nursing in public in the comments below!


Destiny Hagest

Destiny is the Editor in Chief at Joovy, mom to two little boys, and a freelance content strategist. When she isn't buried in her next business venture, you can catch her baking cookies with her preschooler, being the world's slowest runner, and snatching up the last bath bomb.

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