Laundry basket and washing machine

Genius Laundry Hacks EVERYONE Needs to Know

When it comes to laundry, it seems that people either love it or despise it so much they consider becoming a family of nudists to avoid it.

Doing laundry doesn’t have to be torture. If your family’s never-ending dirty clothes pile and seemingly impossible stain concoctions have you running for the hills, try these tips to tackle the spills, smudges, and splotches and bring sanity back to laundry day.


Laundry basket full of clothes


Pretreating stains

Whenever you can, pretreat stains ASAP. If you need help scrubbing in a pretreatment, use a baby toothbrush. It’s gentle on the clothes but still provides the agitation needed to help the pretreatment break down the stain.


Oil/Grease Stains

If you get oil or grease stains from food or other sources, treat with blue Dawn. Apply a few drops and rub it in, let it sit for a bit, then rinse and wash as normal. Make sure the stain is gone before drying in the dryer.


Ink on Clothes

A pen exploded in the wash? There’s a cleaner for that! Spray the ink stains with LA Totally Awesome to watch the magic happen. Can’t get your hands on some? You can also apply to rubbing alcohol, hair spray, or hand sanitizer. Blot the stain until the ink is gone, then wash as normal.


Makeup Stains

Folex Carpet Stain Remover is an excellent makeup remover. This product is great at cleaning up even the most stubborn stain, including red lipstick!


Mold/mildew in clothing

Those pesky little black spots do NOT automatically mean the clothing is a goner. To dissolve the mildew, soak the item in a cold bleach, vinegar, or OxiClean soak. Look for directions on our website!


Wrinkled clothes

Need an outfit that is wrinkled but can’t or doesn’t want to break out the iron? Toss a handful of ice cubes into the dryer to steam away from the wrinkles with very little effort!


Stubborn stain removal

Have a tough stain that just won’t budge, even after using a stain remover? Wet the item down and put it outside to harness the bleaching power of the sun. You’ll be amazed at how the stain fades!


Lost socks

Does your washing machine have an appetite for socks? Put your pairs in a mesh laundry bag to avoid losing one — or both — when washing.


Musty smelling towels

If your towels have a constant musty smell, try using a laundry strip to remove oils, minerals, and the buildup of fabric softener. It will restore the absorbency and softness of your towels and make them smell better too! See our website for instructions.


Set-in stains

If you have clothes with set-in stains, try a deep clean. Give those stained items an extended soak in hot water and laundry soap. This will allow the fibers to open up and the detergent and additives to help the stain release from the fabric. See our website for instructions.

What are your laundry hacks and tips?


Laundry Love & Cleaning Science

Laundry Love & Cleaning Science is a group of people and parents dedicated to the science of cleaning. Join their Facebook group to get hands-on advice, learn what really works, and clean EVERYTHING, from cloth diapers to dishwashers!

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