7 Tips for Life on the Road…With Kids!

7 Tips for Life on the Road…With Kids!

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “It’s all over when you have kids.” For many, they let this be their motto and don’t take risks or chase dreams once they have children. Many parents are in fear of being selfish and feeling like they can’t live life because they are parents now. There is a growing movement across the U.S where many young families are ditching mortgages. They are choosing a more alternative lifestyle of living on the road.

They are converting school buses and vans into tiny homes on wheels or purchasing RV’s instead. There are lots of reasons why this movement is gaining in popularity. Still, the most common reason is that more families choose to live a more minimal and simpler lifestyle. This allows for more freedom and time together without going into a lot of debt by having a mortgage. 



Living life on the road with children could seem a little daunting. Especially if you’re someone whose kids hate their car seats and road trips. The truth is, living on the road is not much different than living in a house with little ones. Yes, you’re in the car more, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be fun!

When you’re driving your whole house with you, you have everything you need to make it comfortable and entertaining. Plus, you can stop as often as you need to let the kids stretch their legs and get their energy out. Another benefit to this lifestyle is you usually don’t have to be anywhere at any time, so you can take your time getting to your next destination. When the kids are over the ride, you can stop and park until everyone feels up to driving some more. 


Here are some things you can do to make long car rides more enjoyable for everyone. 

Download the Playground Buddy App

This app uses your GPS location to tell you what playgrounds are in your area. It is beneficial when your little ones need to get out of their car seats, and you need to make a meal or give them some snacks. Sometimes this simple act gives them a boost of confidence and support to make it a couple more hours on the road. If you’re lucky enough, they’ll get tired and maybe even fall asleep once they’re back in their seats. It also allows you to visit tons of different playgrounds on your journey, keeping it exciting for everyone in the family. 

Play I Spy

This is a fun game for everyone to play. It keeps your little ones active and entertained as you all try to figure out what each other sees. It might not last a long time, but it sure does help break the boredom cycle. 

Buy a Lap Desk for your little ones

There are tons of different options on Amazon for great lap desks/ activity centers. Many have markers and magnets to keep it entertaining. This will help your little ones can color or read books or even use them to put their snacks on and eat. 

Create a Book Nook

Have a bin or basket near their seat that you load up with books and toys that they can grab themselves, so you do not constantly need to get up and grab something!

Have lots of snacks handy!

Let’s be real; snacks make everyone happy, so choosing snacks that are easy to grab and eat handy will make your life much easier. There are fun collapsible, no-spill snack cups available on Amazon that are perfect for berries or whatever other snacks your kids love. 

Movies + Games on an iPad or Tablet

Depending on how you feel about screen time for your little ones, having a tablet of some sort is a great boredom buster. You can load it up with educational games and download their favorite movies and shows on there for them to watch. There are tons of educational apps available for kids that you can download and put in their age to ensure the content is age-appropriate for them. Plus, in this day and age, some kids are better at navigating touch screens than most adults, so it’s fun for you to see just how fast they learn to navigate through their tablets. 


Take Away: Enjoy the Trip

Last but not least, remember that unless you need to be somewhere at a specific time; take it easy. Take your time. You have the conveniences of a traditional home along for the ride, so you can stop whenever you need to. Some days will be easier to drive. Some days you (or your little ones) might not feel up to it. The appealing factor of this lifestyle is you have the freedom to go wherever, whenever.

There will be rainy days, sunny days, cold days, and hot ones. Just do what is best for you and your family. Even if it means parking at a mall to walk around on rainy days or visiting the local Chuck E. Cheese to get out of your tiny home. Like anything new, there will be a lot of adjusting to the new lifestyle. Luckily kids are very adaptable. As long as their needs are met, they will flourish in any situation! They will watch your problem solve the new challenges you face and the lessons learned and time you spend together will be priceless. Plus, you have a much smaller space to clean and maintain, so your chore list gets smaller, which means more quality time.


Gianna: Joovy Magazine Guest Author

Gianna Bachowski

Mother of two little girls. Luna, Age 4, and Capri, Age 7months. We sold everything in 2018 to hit the road and see the U.S. We lived in a converted van with just Luna, and then when we found out, we were expecting we built out a 29’ school bus into our tiny home to finish our travels through the U.S together. We have a consulting business (@otrlifestyleconsulting) helping other families and individuals transition from house-life to life on the road.

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