4 Easy Steps to Glamping in your Backyard with Kids

4 Easy Steps to Glamping in your Backyard with Kids

In these past few months in quarantine, I have been trying to find ways to keep my boys busy outside the house, all while staying safe. It’s helpful to take time for outdoor activities to maintain physical and mental health and get a daily dose of fresh air in. A fun way we are incorporating it all is through “family glamping.”  Camping in your backyard is a great way to see if camping is something that you and your family enjoy before venturing out on a big adventure.

This past weekend we decided to pitch a small tent in the backyard and enjoy the outdoors. Glamping in our backyard is perfect to be with the kids and stay comfortable and safe while social distancing.

Here are some fun tips to help you glamp in your yard!

Step 1:  Create your Menu

This part can be as easy as ordering takeout from your favorite restaurant to cooking hotdogs on a stick to a picnic of sandwiches.  The goal is to keep it simple and enjoyable.

4 Easy Steps to Glamping in your Backyard with Kids

Step 2: Set up your Campsite

Get into it! Pretend you aren’t in your yard but instead at your favorite campsite! Get your tent set up, your camping chairs, cots, and whatever else you would bring on a camping trip! By immersing yourself and your kids, the experience will feel that much more adventurous without pushing you outside your comfort zone!

4 Easy Steps to Glamping in your Backyard with Kids

Step 3:  Plan Activities

Make sure you plan out some fun activities for you and your family for both daytime and nighttime! 

Daytime: You can set up their bikes, trikes, or even a backyard scavenger hunt to keep kids entertained when it’s still light out! Let them get their hands dirty and play in the mud; it is camping after all!

4 Easy Steps to Glamping in your Backyard with Kids

Nighttime: Even though most of us can’t recreate the feel of a campfire in our yards, that doesn’t mean that we can’t try!  You can prep some Oven Made S’mores ahead of time to keep this campfire tradition alive. Enjoy your treats as you tell fun spooky stories over the light of a flashlight or sing campfire songs!

4 Easy Steps to Glamping in your Backyard with Kids

Step 4:  Have Fun!

You may spend the night in a tent, and you may not.  It’s ok if your kids want to go inside and sleep in their beds after all the fun. 


The point is for it to be a fun and positive experience that is important.

camp,camping,glamping,backyard,kids,home,fun,set,set up,tent



I’m Onyi, a 30 something Nigerian American trying to juggle life as a working Mom of 2 littles, maintaining a long distance marriage all while practicing medicine as a Physician Assistant. I can’t forget to mention I’m also a full-time Motherhood, Lifestyle and Travel blogger. So let’s just say, I keep my hands full.

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