10 ways to spend a rainy day indoors with kids

10 Ways to Spend a Rainy Day Indoors With Kids

The next time a thunderstorm rolls through your neighborhood, you don’t have to worry about your kids getting bored. There’s no such thing as feeling cooped up inside if everyone has entertaining activities to do. Check out these fun ways to spend a rainy day indoors with your children to pass the time and make memories until the sun comes out again.

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1. Dance to Interactive Songs

Research shows that 80% of kids and teens don’t get enough exercise. That’s why dancing is one of the best rainy-day activities for kids. You can play interactive songs that tell them to do things like run, jump, and groove to the music. They’ll have much more fun if you join them for a few minutes of cardio that doesn’t feel like exercise. Use these songs to get started:

rainy day,indoors,inside,living room,fun ways,rain,kids,together

2. Color Along With Story Podcasts

Books are a lovely way to entertain yourself while it rains outside, but your kids might not feel interested in reading long chapters. Instead, pull out their favorite coloring books and turn on a story podcast. Listen to some of these professionally produced stories to entertain everyone while they color:

rainy day,indoors,inside,living room,fun ways,rain,kids,together

3. Make Mug Cakes Together

Make a delicious treat by grabbing a mug for each of your kids. They can mix simple ingredients like flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt to create mug cakes that only take a few minutes to bake. It’s a great way to introduce young kids to the world of baking with simple steps. Try these recipes to see what your kids like best:

rainy day,indoors,inside,living room,fun ways,rain,kids,together

4. Play Musical Hide and Seek

Gather your kids and tell them to think of hiding spots. When you press play on their favorite song, it’s time for them to run and hide. You can pause the song when you’re ready to find them, merging their favorite music with a game of hide and seek.

Anyone who wants to know what to do on a rainy day indoors can easily play this game with kids of any age. While they run around, your children will develop their problem-solving skills because they have to strategize hiding places and where they’ll check.

rainy day,indoors,inside,living room,fun ways,rain,kids,together

5. Compete in Balloon Tennis

If you have a pack of unused balloons from a past birthday party, blow one up and bounce it into the air. A jump rope can mark the middle of your indoor tennis court. This is one of the easiest rainy-day activities for kids because it’s quick, affordable, and always makes players giggle. Everyone will have a blast while trying to keep the balloon from touching the ground.

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6. Enjoy Educational Video Games Together

Many parents have rules against playing video games for too long in their homes, but not all games are the same. Some have educational content that helps kids learn while having fun. Video games can also teach kids hand-eye coordination they’ll use for the rest of their lives, so help your child’s development by trying these games together:

rainy day,indoors,inside,living room,fun ways,rain,kids,together

7. Have a Marshmallow Fight

Parents wondering what to do on a rainy day indoors can look in their pantry for a bag of marshmallows. The large puffy snacks are perfect for recreating a snowball fight without the mess. You’ll easily locate them after everyone runs around dodging marshmallows and won’t find a mess left to clean. 

rainy day,indoors,inside,living room,fun ways,rain,kids,together

8. Ask Would You Rather Questions

Challenging your child’s mind with would-you-rather questions gets their brain churning even if they’re sitting on the couch. Ask questions like these while they’re coloring, playing with their toys, or doing any other calming activity, and they’ll learn more about themselves as they answer:

  • Would you rather jump on water like a trampoline or swing from clouds?
  • Would you rather take a test at school or visit the dentist?
  • Would you rather drive a bus or fly a plane?
rainy day,indoors,inside,living room,fun ways,rain,kids,together

9. Make Sock Puppets

Spending a rainy day indoors is the perfect opportunity to make sock puppets. Grab clean socks around your house and encourage your child to decorate them with markers, googly eyes, and whatever other craft supplies you already have. Everyone can perform a puppet show afterward by transforming a box into a stage for each person to hide behind while the puppet performs up top.

rainy day,indoors,inside,living room,fun ways,rain,kids,together

10. Watch Birds Together

Gather by the biggest window in your home if it overlooks your yard or some nearby trees. You could watch for birds together and try naming them. You’ll always know what to do on a rainy day indoors if your children enjoy learning more about nature and earning prizes for naming birds correctly. Use a kid-friendly birding book or one of the following apps to learn together:

rainy day,indoors,inside,living room,fun ways,rain,kids,together

Enjoy Your Rainy Day Indoors With Your Kids

Try some of these rainy-day activities for kids the next time a rain shower makes everyone head indoors. You’ll have tons of fun together without sitting in front of the TV for hours. Make memories by trying new things, and everyone will stay entertained even if the rain lasts all day.

rainy day,indoors,inside,living room,fun ways,rain,kids,together

Mia Barnes


Bio: Mia Barnes is a freelance writer specializing in family wellness and healthy living. Mia is also the Editor-in-Chief of Body+Mind Magazine. Follow Mia and Body+Mind on Twitter and Instagram.

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